More and more homeowners are transforming their basic backyards and patios into an outdoor living design that is fully furnished. From propane-fueled, stainless steel appliances to dining areas, and even home theater systems. Outdoor living has gained in popularity, and it is still growing.

It all starts with the grill. According to a survey of landscape architects, the “in demand” from their clients is a top of the line grill to be the focal point of most outdoor living design projects. Next in popularity are the fire pits, fireplaces, and wood-burning brick pizza ovens.

Of course, hot tubs, spas, and swimming pools are a must. In addition to those, homeowners are wanting waterfalls and other water features incorporated with gardens and other landscaped areas. Outdoor living design spaces are the number one thing for those who currently own a home as well as for those shopping for a new home.

The backyard must have the potential for all the things we’ve mentioned here. Gone are the days of sandboxes and swing sets for the kids. There may be a corner of the backyard dedicated to the wooden forts that blend in with the rest of the outdoor living design.