You decided to get a swimming pool and you have interviewed several gunite pool builders and chose the best one for you. Now, you should prepare yourself for the designing and installing part of this wonderful addition to your home. This won’t be as easy and quick as throwing up an above ground unit from the local big-box store.

Pre-Construction: Prior to construction starting, most gunite pool builders will want to meet with you and discuss the main aspects like location, design, size, etc.

Excavation: After that meeting, gunite pool builders will lay out the design discussed and get your approval. They then begin forming the pool by starting excavation. The dirt that is dug out will be hauled off by a dump truck. Any digging for electrical, equipment, or plumbing will be done at this point, as well.

Pool Steel: Once the excavation is completed, gunite pool builders start to place the steel that will form your pool’s shape and give it strength.

Pool Plumbing: Next, gunite pool builders place the main drains, return lines, skimmers, and other plumbing lines, if needed.

The Gunite: Now comes your gunite! This mixture of cement and sand will have water added to it using a nozzle on long hoses. The foundation begins to take the form of swimming pool at this point. If there are any design plans for benches or stairs in the pool, they will be done at this point as well. Now, you’ll have a 7-day waiting period for the gunite to cure.

Backfilling: Once the gunite has cured, gunite pool builder crews will strip the wooden forms that were built around the pool and backfill the dirt against the shell for stability.

Pool Tile: The next phase is tile installation, and if a deck is included in the job, that begins as well. If the pool equipment needs plumbing extended to it and hooked up, this happens at this point, too.

Pool Equipment: Gunite pool builders place the equipment on concrete pads and connect the electrical and plumbing.

Preparation: This is where the pool shell is prepped for the finish material.

Pool Finish: Next, gunite pool builders apply the finish to the floor and the sides of the shell.

Fill It Up! After your gunite pool is finished, gunite pool builders truck water in to fill your new pool.

Gunite pool builders will have a company representative there on the last day to go over the equipment, the recommended cleaning schedule, and answer any questions you may have. Now, you can begin to enjoy this fabulous addition to your home!